
The QACHE project aims to address, in terms of information and practical support, the quality assurance of cross-border higher education (CBHE) by looking closely into different ways in which European QA agencies and higher education institutions (HEIs) address the accreditation and quality assurance of the programmes delivered outside of their countries.
The innovative aspect of the project is the creation of a common European quality assurance approach to cross-border higher education which will contribute to the promotion of European higher education in other parts of the world.

The main objectives are fourfold:

  • to enhance policy dialogue within European countries and between Europe and other world regions on quality assurance of CBHE, and enhance thus mutual understanding of different approaches to CBHE and different methods in quality assurance;
  • to further develop the European dimension in quality assurance;
  • to facilitate and enhance the engagement of European HEIs in CBHE provision
  • to protect students against low standard provision and issues related to recognition of CBHE.

More specifically, the project will provide quality assurance agencies and HEIs with guidance for activities of internal and external quality assurance processes of CBHE; with support in establishing procedures for CBHE, as well as with comprehensive information on common approaches on quality assurance of CBHE. Based on good practices from Europe, Australia, Asia-Pacific and the Gulf Region, the project will elaborate basic principles for a common approach to quality assurance of European CBHE enabling higher education to be of comparable quality and meet the same standards within or outside Europe and being recognised in the host country without facing double procedures.

The project results will facilitate collaboration with regions outside Europe by providing a shared framework applicable to and used by all European countries. The project will also strengthen the accessibility and attractiveness of European CBHE to providers and students in other parts of the world through increased efficiency of quality assurance of CBHE.